Time sometimes goes by too slow…

I waited till I got home, I had to… I couldn’t slip a hand inside my panties and do it then and there, my desk at work is right next to someone else. So I had to wait, 1 hour… 40 minutes, 30, 27, 25… 24m 30s… I was cursing the clock by that time…

I don’t know why I open my personal email at work, and I know I shouldn’t open particular email that get sent to me by particular people… ’cause they make me damn horny. Contemplated going to the toilet and just getting the tension out of my thighs, but rubbing my clit and shutting up never works really…

17 minutes… patience, patience… 15… 15… 15… ah come on!!! I’m dying here!!! my cunt is burning and soaking my panties!!! 14… 13m 23s… I’m never checking my email again… this is torture… 10… ah fuck patience!!! fuck work!!! and it takes 45 minutes to get home… I’ll be rubbing myself against my bag between my legs hiding in the back of the taxi hoping nobody notices… Done! 5pm! cool out! out…

At home, I don’t bother to take my jacket off, or got to my bedroom… just drop on the floor when I closed my front door, there and then and finally… ahhhhhhh! yeahhh! … finally…


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